Intermission - Phineas and Ferb Song Ranking


I’m taking a brief intermission in the countdown this week to sit back and take inventory. I am going to pretend that this pause was preordained for pacing reasons. I will use this intermission to list some things I really want to see in the Phineas and Ferb reboot.


Thing #1 - an episode about the day Phineas and Ferb met

So far, all we have is a few pictures from a dream sequence in Phineas and Ferb Get Busted. Was it brotherhood at first sight? Did it take awhile for them to warm up to each other? Or was Phineas the first kid to ever talk to Ferb without thinking he was weird? And was Ferb the first kid to listen to Phineas without telling him to shut up?


Thing #2 - an episode about Linda and Lawrence’s love story

I have no interest in meeting Phineas and Candance’s biological father or Ferb’s biological mother, but I do have an interest in learning how Linda and Lawrence’s relationship came to be. My current theory is that Lawrence did a semester abroad in America as a college student, met Linda, fell in love with her at a Love Handel concert, went back to England, found himself in an unfulfilling marriage, and then, decided to take a chance for once in his cowardly life, and shipped himself off to Danville to reunite with the true love of his life. But I’m open to other ideas.


Thing #3 - Jeremy becomes a real character + Candace and Jeremy break up and get back together arc

In the abstract, I’m opposed to retconning Last Day of Summer by moving forward in the timeline while also having Candace remain a busting addict, but either way, Candace clearly has a very obsessive personality. Though Jeremy doesn’t seem to mind this, I wonder if it would ever begin to grate on him if it began to interfere with their relationship.


Thing #4 - Meap Me in St. Louis

Meap me at the fair.


Thing #5 - Stacy knowing Perry’s secret

I struggle to come up with any plots built around this narrative, but totally ignoring its existence would be a wasted opportunity. Maybe the two of them can just hang out and be friends or something.


Thing #6 - no Irving

        Irving is annoying.


Thing #7 - getting to know the Fireside Girls

Adyson, Gretchen, Ginger, Milly, Katie, and Holly. I did it. I named them all off the top of my head. To slowly give these characters each a personality and relevance of their own is exactly the kind of bold endeavour which this reboot should explore.


Thing #8 - subtle nod to MWCA

Even if it’s done by accident, I’ll be satisfied.


Thing #9 - tasteful inclusion of Milo Murphy’s Law and Hamster & Gretel characters

Tasteful being the operative word. I will allow one (1) special 3-way crossover event, and one (1) subtle cameo per show, across the entire run of the reboot.


Thing #10 - Ferbnessa retconned

And Montessa staying together forever.

Top 50 starts next week


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